How to Fix Candle Tunneling

Candle tunnelling is a common problem faced by candle enthusiasts worldwide. It occurs when a candle's wax doesn't melt evenly, causing a tunnel-like hole down the centre of the candle. If left unresolved, tunnelling can not only ruin the aesthetics of your precious candle but also hinder its efficient functioning, eventually shortening its lifespan and causing the scent to weaken. But worry not, dear reader! We have gathered three proven methods to help you combat candle tunnelling.

How to Fix Candle Tunneling

What is Candle Tunneling?

Candle tunnelling occurs when a candle burns down its centre, creating a hole or a "tunnel." This usually happens due to several reasons like not allowing the candle to burn long enough, using low-quality wax, or poorly placed wicks. Not only does tunnelling ruin the aesthetic of your candle, but it also leads to inefficient burning and a shorter lifespan for your favourite candles.

How to Fix Candle Tunneling

While it might seem like your tunnelled candle is a lost cause, there are a few steps you can take to fix the issue and get your candle burning evenly again:

Method 1: The Oven Technique

Step 1: Preparing the Candle

Before you start fixing your tunnelling candle, make sure to trim the wick to about 1/4 inch. This helps the candle burn uniformly and prevents any soot buildup.

Step 2: Melting the Wax

Place your candle on a baking sheet with raised sides and heat your oven to the lowest possible temperature setting (around 170°F or 75°C). Place the candle in the oven, watching it carefully to prevent overheating. Keep it in the oven for around 5-10 minutes or until the wax has melted evenly.

How to Fix Candle Tunneling

Step 3: Cooling and Hardening

Once the wax has melted evenly, carefully remove the candle from the oven and place it on a heat-resistant surface. Allow it to cool and harden completely before relighting it. This method helps to reset the wax memory and promote even burning in the future.

Method 2: The Hair Dryer or Heat Gun Solution

Step 1: Preparing the Candle

As with the oven method, start by trimming the wick to about 1/4 inch.

Step 2: Applying Heat

Using a hair dryer or a heat gun set at the lowest heat setting, direct the hot air towards the tunnelled wax. Make sure to keep a distance of at least 6 inches between the heat source and the candle to prevent scorching the wax or overheating the container.

Step 3: Melting and Smoothing the Wax

Continuously move the hair dryer or heat gun around the tunnelled area to melt the wax evenly. Use a butter knife or a spatula to smooth out the top surface of the melted wax carefully. Exercise patience and keep applying heat until the entire tunnel is filled with melted wax.

Step 4: Cooling and Hardening

Allow the candle to cool and harden completely before relighting it. This will help ensure the wax burns more evenly in the future.

Candle tunnelling is an annoying problem that can significantly impact the performance and aesthetics of your candles. However, with these simple and effective methods involving an oven, hair dryer, or heat gun, you can bid farewell to tunnelling issues and enjoy your candles to their fullest potential.

How to Prevent Future Candle Tunneling

Now that you've learned how to fix candle tunnelling let's go through a few tips to prevent this issue from happening again:

1. Choose high-quality candles made with superior wax and properly placed wicks.

2. Make sure to trim the wick to about ¼ inch before lighting your candle. This ensures a clean and even burn.

3. Allow your candle to burn for at least one hour per inch of its diameter the first time you light it so the entire surface melts and a “memory ring” is established.

4. Avoid placing your candles in drafty areas or near air currents, as these can affect the steady and even burning of your candles.

How to Fix Candle Tunnelling

Fixing candle tunnelling may seem like an intimidating task, but following these easy steps and preventing future tunnelling can help you enjoy a frustration-free and efficient burning experience. Candles are meant to be a source of relaxation and ambience, so understanding how to fix and prevent tunnelling will lead to happier and more serene moments in your life. Have you encountered candle tunnelling in the past? What methods worked best for you? Let us know in the comments below!


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