The Amazing Benefits of Ginger and Honey to Combat a Cold

A Natural Remedy Worth Trying

If you're anything like me, when the cold season comes around, you'd rather reach for natural remedies before diving straight into over-the-counter meds. Among the tried and true natural remedies out there, ginger and honey make a powerhouse combo to help fight the common cold.

The Healing Properties of Ginger

Ginger is more than just a spicy root used in cuisines the world over; it's a time-honoured medicinal plant perfect for combating many ailments – including the common cold. This warm spice contains gingerol and shogaol, potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that have an inherent ability to boost your immune system.

Antiviral Properties

Ginger’s antiviral properties can help your body fight off the viruses that cause the common cold. This root not only boosts your immune system but also warms you from the inside, which can help to break down the accumulation of toxins in your organs.

Properties of Honey

Used since ancient times for its healing properties, honey is packed full of beneficial compounds and has been linked with a host of health benefits. Specifically, when we're speaking about battling a cold, honey is a natural cough suppressant and can soothe a sore throat like a charm.


Honey contains a variety of beneficial compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are powerful antioxidants known to boost your immune system and aid in warding off colds.

Ginger and Honey for a Cold

When combined, ginger and honey create a cold-fighting cocktail that provides cold relief while also boosting your immune system. Drinking this soothing concoction can reduce inflammation in your throat, suppress a nagging cough, and even open up a clogged nose due to its inherent warming effect.

Respiratory Relief

One of the most common symptoms of a cold is respiratory congestion. A mixture of ginger and honey works effectively to loosen up phlegm and reduce respiratory congestion. Honey’s thick consistency forms a coating around the throat, which can provide a soothing and relieving effect on inflamed or sore areas.

Improves Sleep

A common hindrance to recovery during a cold is the inability to get a good night's sleep because of the persistent coughing and congestion. The soothing effects of honey mixed with the warming sensation of ginger can provide immediate relief, allowing the body to rest and recover faster.


When you're suffering from a cold, it's important to stay hydrated and nourished. Ginger and honey are both nutrient-dense, providing your body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to boost your health.

Preventative Measure

Naturally boosting the immune system with ginger and honey, even when you're not ill, can help to reduce the frequency of colds. Both have antimicrobial properties that could potentially kill bacteria and viruses even before they create major problems.

It's clear that consuming a ginger and honey mixture provides more than just quick relief from cold symptoms; the long-term benefits for overall health and well-being could be substantial. Remember to consult your healthcare provider before trying any new remedies.

Preparing Your Ginger and Honey Cold Remedy

If you’re looking to prepare for the winter, I recommend making a fermented ginger honey jar.

Here's a simple recipe you can whip together before the cold season.


  • 1 cup of raw honey

  • 3-4 ginger stem


  1. Begin by peeling your ginger. Cut into 2cm pieces. You'll want to fill a clean, sterilized jar about halfway with the peeled stem.

  2. Once your ginger is in the jar, pour the honey over it - up to the jar’s rim, allowing the honey to seep down and coat the ginger entirely.

  3. Place a lid on the jar, but don't screw it on too tightly. You want to leave a bit of space for the gases that the fermenting process will produce to escape.

  4. For the first few days, you'll need to flip the jar upside down a few times a day, helping to make sure all the ginger is coated in honey.

  5. After a few days, the honey will become more liquid, and bubbles will appear, indicating fermentation is occurring.

  6. Keep the jar at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. Allow it to ferment for at least one month. But remember, the longer it ferments, the stronger the flavour will be.

  7. After it's fermented, you can store it in a cool place or the refrigerator, where it will last indefinitely. Always check for contaminants which can lead to mould before using.

When you start feeling a cold coming on, take a spoonful of the fermented honey ginger. You can also add the fermented honey ginger to teas.

If you’re in need of a quick ginger honey mix, try this instead - it’s pretty straightforward.

Thinly slice or grate fresh ginger and steep it in boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. Then, add honey to taste, and stir until mixed. Aim for a couple of mugs daily until your symptoms settle.

To conclude, ginger and honey are amazing, natural allies in the battle against the common cold. Not only can they provide instant relief from symptoms, but they also work to boost your immune system to help fight off future colds. So, next time you feel a cold coming on, why not reach for the ginger and honey and give your body the natural boost it needs?

Have you tried a ginger and honey mixture for a cold before? What was your experience, and do you have any other natural remedies you swear by? Share in the comments below.


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