Keeping the Flame Alive: How to Avoid a Drowning Candle Wick

7 Tips and Tricks

Candles have been used for centuries as a source of light, ambience, and relaxation. The soft flickering flame can create a cosy and tranquil atmosphere in any space. However, there's nothing more frustrating than watching a candle's wick drown in its own wax, extinguishing the flame and rendering the candle useless. If you've experienced this predicament, fear not! In this blog post, we'll explore some practical tips to help you avoid a drowning candle wick and make the most out of your candle-burning experience.

Drowning wick tips

1. Choose the Right Candle Size and Shape:

The size and shape of a candle play a crucial role in maintaining a steady flame. To avoid a drowning wick, opt for candles that have a wider diameter or are shorter in height. This allows the flame to receive enough oxygen to burn consistently without the risk of being smothered by melting wax.

2. Trim the Wick:

Before lighting your candle, it's essential to trim the wick to about 1/4 inch (6 mm) in length. A longer wick can cause the flame to burn too hot, leading to excessive melting and drowning in wax. Regularly trimming the wick not only prevents drowning but also helps promote a cleaner burn and reduces soot production.

How to save a drowning wick

3. Position the Wick Correctly:

Ensure that the wick is centred within the candle before lighting it. If the wick is off-centre, the flame may burn unevenly, causing excess melting on one side, leading to a drowned wick. Adjust the wick gently using tweezers or a similar tool, taking care not to damage or break it.

4. Burn the Candle for an Adequate Time:

When lighting a candle, it's essential to allow it to burn for a sufficient period to create a melted wax pool that reaches the edges of the container. This process prevents tunnelling, where the wax remains unmelted along the sides, causing the wick to drown in the surrounding wax. As a general rule of thumb, burn a candle for at least one hour for every inch of its diameter.

Candle tips and Tricks

5. Avoid Drafty Areas:

Placing a lit candle in a drafty area can disrupt the airflow around the flame, causing it to flicker and burn unevenly. Uneven burning increases the chances of the wick drowning in melted wax. Keep candles away from open windows, fans, air conditioning vents, and high-traffic areas where there may be constant air movement.

6. Extinguish Candles Properly:

When it's time to extinguish the candle, avoid blowing it out forcefully, as this can cause the wick to smoulder and drown in wax. Instead, use a snuffer or gently press the wick into the melted wax using a non-flammable tool. This method cuts off the oxygen supply to the flame, extinguishing it without causing the wick to bend or move.

Scented Candle Tips

7. Consider Using Candle Accessories:

Various candle accessories can help prevent a drowning wick. Candle toppers or shades can shield the flame from drafts and reduce the risk of uneven burning. Wick trimmers are specially designed to trim wicks to the ideal length, making it easier to achieve a consistent burn.

candle accessories

In conclusion, enjoying the warm glow and soothing ambience of a candle is a delightful experience. By following these practical tips, you can avoid the frustration of a drowning wick and maximize the lifespan of your candles. Remember to choose the right size and shape, trim the wick regularly, position it correctly, allow for a full melt pool, avoid drafty areas, extinguish candles properly, and consider using candle accessories. With these precautions in mind, you can ensure that the flame of your candle burns brightly, bringing tranquillity and beauty to your surroundings.


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